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Once you have read this page ask yourself why you wouldnt want to train in karate.

Obviously karate is an effective form of self defence but karate training can offer so much more.

Traditionally karate training has placed a strong emphasis on etiquette. Every student is expected to show respect for everyone in the dojo, not just thier instructor(sensei). Our classes aim to be taught with an element of fun, if students enjoy themselves they seem to learn more.

So i hear you ask what other benefits can karate offer me apart from learning techniques which originated hundreds of years ago, having fun and teaching my children respect.

You or your child will gain confidence. Your child will gain discipline. You will be encouraged and motivated by your instructors and fellow students.Karate can be practised by the whole family. Your child will become more sociable by interacting, meeting and talking to other people like children should. Your child will have to leave the comfort of thier bedroom and detach themselves from their games console, mobile phone or tablet for a couple of hours and become part of society.

You as karateka will also become fitter and healthier.I have to admit that i used to be one of those people tthat went to the gym after work and would just be going through the motions.Sometimes after work i would feel obliged to attempt the treadmill or rowing machine and half heartedly do a workout. Although training and breaking sweat i never recieved the same buzz that i feel when training in a karate class. I would have my karate instructor and fellow students pushing me to work just that little bit harder. Would i have worked that hard without being pushed. if im honest i really dont think so. I've had students cancel thier gym membership because quite simply they fel the benefits more at karate.

Of course there is the self defence aspect. Karate is a martial art originating from okinawa which was taught to people to protect themselves from other civilians. You will not develop special powers or become a super warrior but should  the situation arise you will have learnt the skills necessary to protect yourself. Hopefully you will never need to use karate for self protection. Hopefully you will be able to avoid any situation where physical violence may become present. If and when you need to use karate then you will have gained the skills, confidence and fitness to do what is necessary to protect you or your family.

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